

Just over 9 years after EARTHTONE9 said goodbye to a packed London Garage, they returned to round off Friction Tour, their long-awaited comeback.

Earthtone9 made tentative steps back into the live arena in the second half of 2010 with performances at the Sonisphere and Damnation festivals; the response, however, was anything but uncertain. The old fanbase was still very much alive alongside a new set of fans, all eager to see whether the old songs stood the test of time and whether this progressive outfit could still hold such an overused title. They didn’t disappoint.

Where once EARTHTONE9 were the UK’s torchlight battling through a tedious nu-metal fog, they now return to join a metal scene thriving with ingenuity and inventiveness, much of which had its way paved by the band’s output around the turn of the millennium. The new material has only confirmed why they are held in such high esteem.



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